Open Show Program


The BCPHC Open Show Program (OSP) gives members the opportunity to record their results at all breed shows and competitions and submit them for (really, really nice) BCPHC year end awards. The program is similar in philosophy to APHA’s Paint Alternative Competition (PAC) program, but is exclusive for BC Paint Horse Club members who compete in their local and discipline-specific live and virtual shows from January 1 to October 30.

Open Show exhibitors compete for year ends in six Paint and two All-Breed categories. The English and Western categories include all classes shown in their respective disciplines, and the Walk Trot division is split into youth and senior exhibitors. There’s a Halter category, and the In-Hand Performance category includes showmanship,
in-hand trail, longe-line, etc. 

For a one time enrollment fee of just $25 (one horse/one exhibitor combination), you are invited to submit your results for every all breed show or competition you attend this season by email, Facebook Messenger or post. Youth exhibitors enroll for free, thanks to the generous support of a couple of our members. 

If you’re registered for APHA’s PAC program, you should be sending BC Paint your OSP results, too! The Northwest Co-ordinating Committee (NWCC) also hosts an open show awards program and as a BC Paint Horse member, you are eligible for that as well. SO many ways to win! 

Be sure to read the rules (particularly the update regarding the Walk Trot divisions), then enroll in BC Paint’s Open Show Program using online membership application and start showing and filing your results soon! Good luck!

PS: We are actively seeking sponsors for all our year-end awards. Sponsorship of an Open Show division is $100. Please contact us to secure your sponsorship! Thank you! 

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Open Show Program Rules

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Open Show Program Results Form

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